The surroundings of the Boating Lake will be expanded with another attraction, and the central building and service units of the Green Camp will be renewed within the framework of the investment – announced Péter Cseresnyés, Member of Parliament and the Mayor of Nagykanizsa László Balogh, yesterday.
László Balogh said that the local government of Nagykanizsa has submitted an application in the previous program-period for the development of another tourist attraction within the framework of the Hungary-Croatia cross-border cooperation program.
– Out of the available HUF 125 million, we have set two important goals. The first one is to build a special bicycle pumptrack that can be tried and used by all ages. Moreover, in the case of children, its use can also contribute to the learning of safe cycling. The course will be set up in a green area near the Seven Beech Spring, in the area of the former “Indian playground”.
László Balogh added: the remaining nearly 100 million forints will be used for the reconstruction of the central building and service facilities of the Green Camp. According to the plans, a complete reconstruction of the building structure will be implemented, the water blocks, the reception area and the kitchen will also be renewed.
“With this investment, the complex development of the Boating Lake has reached its new stage,” stressed Secretary of State Péter Cseresnyés, Member of Parliament, who reminded that a bicycle inn, a running and cycling gravel track has been built int he past ten years and these have been used extensively ever since. In addition to all this, thanks to Zalaerdő Zrt., the lookout tower and the forest sport track were renewed, and the possibility of boating was also given in principle, although only after COVID 19 measures were lifted.